
How To Change Download Location Windows 8

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Windows viii includes a built-in location platform that informs apps, web pages, and networks of your regional location. While this service tailors ads and content to best suit your needs, location services can also be invasive. You can easily change or disable your regional location settings from the Control Panel app; you tin can also alter your network location status from "Public" to "Home" and vice versa.

  1. 1

    Click the "File Explorer" icon. File Explorer is the folder-shaped icon adjacent to the Kickoff menu.

  2. 2

    Click the "Desktop" pick. You tin find "Desktop" in the left-mitt sidebar of the File Explorer menu.[ane]


  3. three

    Double-click the "Control Panel" option. This will open the Control Console app, from which you can alter your system's settings.

    • Y'all tin can besides open up Control Panel past holding downwards Win and tapping X , then clicking the "Command Console" option in the resulting pop-upwardly carte du jour.[2]
  4. 4

    Double-click the "Clock, Language, and Region" option. This department of Control Panel lets you alter you time and appointment, preferred language, and regional location.[3]

  5. 5

    Click "Alter Location" under the "Region" section. "Region" is at the bottom of the "Clock, Linguistic communication, and Region" menu.

  6. 6

    Click the "Location" tab. You can select a regional location from this department.

  7. 7

    Click the field nether "Home location". This will prompt a driblet-down menu with unlike state options. Changing this option is helpful if you recently moved or if you never set your country to begin with.

  8. viii

    Select your country of residence. If you don't meet your land immediately, try scrolling down.

  9. ix

    Click "OK" to confirm your changes. Y'all have successfully changed your regional location settings!

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  1. ane

    Make certain you lot are logged onto your preferred wifi network. You'll need to be actively using your wifi network in society to make changes to its location settings.

    • To log onto a wifi network, click the wifi symbol in the toolbar in the lower right-paw corner of your screen, and so click your preferred network'south name. You may have to enter a password before you can log on.
  2. two

    Click the wifi symbol in the lower correct-hand corner of your screen. This will open up the network menu, from which you can select your electric current network.

  3. three

    Right-click your chosen network. This will prompt a drop-down carte du jour with network settings choices.

  4. 4

    Click "Turn sharing on or off". Network sharing is optimal for private networks, since you don't have to worry most an unwanted member stealing your information via network share.

  5. 5

    Review your options. When you commencement register a network, Windows asks if the network is "Home", "Work", or "Public"; your chosen category dictates the security settings for that network. Changing network sharing settings tin alter your initial settings--for example, if you accidentally set up your home network as a "Public" one, selecting "Plow on sharing..." will reformat the network to give it individual attributes. [iv]

    • Click "No, don't turn on sharing or connect to devices" if you desire your network to take public attributes. This will forbid your computer from beingness visible to other computers and devices (due east.g., Bluetooth speakers or printers). If you exercise this while at home, you won't be able to use your other home-networked devices from your computer.[5]
    • Click "Yes, plow on sharing and connect to devices" if y'all want your network to accept individual attributes. This will make your computer visible to other computers and devices, effectively bypassing the traditional "Individual" network security. Be careful about doing this in a public location, since it tin can allow potentially harmful sources to access your estimator.
  6. six

    Return to your desktop. Yous have successfully altered your network location settings!

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  1. 1

    Click the "File Explorer" icon. File Explorer is the folder-shaped icon next to the Get-go bill of fare.

  2. 2

    Click the "Desktop" option. You can notice "Desktop" in the left-hand sidebar of the File Explorer menu.

  3. 3

    Double-click the "Control Panel" option. This will open the Control Console app from which you tin alter your system'southward settings.

    • You tin can likewise open Command Panel by property downwards Win and tapping 10 , then clicking the "Command Console" selection in the resulting pop-up menu.
  4. 4

    Double-click the "Location Settings" option. If y'all don't desire your computer updating tertiary-party sources with your location, you can disable location services from hither.

  5. 5

    Click the box next to "Turn on the Windows Location platform". This should remove the cheque mark from the box, indicating that the Location platform is no longer active.

    • To enable location services, click the box again. Make sure the box has a bank check mark before endmost the menu.
  6. six

    Click "Utilize" to confirm your changes. You have successfully disabled location services!

    • Continue in mind that disabling location services volition touch on features such every bit desktop news, app data gathering, and website data gathering. If you rely on having these experiences tailored to your location, do not disable location services.
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    YouTube says "Service not available in your jurisdiction" when I try to convert a video to MP3, what can I do?

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    Effort, it'south good and should work.

  • Question

    On a alive streaming site, it says my location is Victoria, but information technology's non. How do I modify this location?

    Community Answer

    It'southward getting your location based upon your IP. IPs are not at all authentic for getting location, which is why information technology'southward maxim something different than where you lot really are. Y'all tin can't change it.

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  • When setting up Windows viii for the first time, y'all can choose to let or disable the location platform.


  • If you lot're unsure about the safety of whatever item site, consider temporarily disabling your location settings before visiting the site.

  • Never permit public access to your habitation network.



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